

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Random advice

Hi ya'll!

I've had few things running through my head today that I've decided I have questions about and want some advice on:

1. This summer I want to do more hiking/camping/outdoorsy stuff, especially with our little one coming mid-spring.  What are some of your favorite places to hike?  Easier hikes would be preferred.  What are some of your favorite camping spots?  Campsites that you don't have to pay a fee for would be preferred :)

2. I want to start reading actual baby books...switch my focus from pregnancy books to baby books.  What baby and breastfeeding books have you found helpful and why?

3. I'm starting to think about what I want to pack in my hospital bag.  What did you find helpful?  What did you find you didn't need that you wish you would have left at home?  At what point in your pregnancy did you pack your bag?

4. If you could give one piece of advice about labor that you think would be the best advice, what would it be?  And why?


  1. #3 - a Robe. I just wear sweats or comfy pj at home so I didn't think I'd need one but I ended up wearing the hospital gown longer than I thought and having a robe on hand just helped the modest me feel a lot more comfortable, warm, and covered-up.

    #4 There is no way to even predict how your labor will go. With my first I tried very hard to control the situation based off of books I had read. In the end, my experience was far from what I had read and I wish I would have just tried to relax, let my body do it's thing and trust God and those that were there to help me more. With my second pregnancy I followed my own advice and things went a lot better. Technically the second birth should have been more difficult because it was twins but I think my more relaxed approach helped me to have a quicker labor and a quicker recovery. It helped the babies too.

    Your going to do great!

  2. #2 Babywise hands down! Did it with my last 3 kids. Awesome! #3 Pillow cuz theirs are so flat. PJ n slippers. A back up take home outfit. One of my kids pooped all over it before we could get out:)Packed at 36 weeks what I could.
    Labor: don't get pitocin til after they break your water. It's more effective than drugs. Wait til really needed. Epiderals are awesome:) Most of all don't let others dictate what you do. Do what you want and are comfortable with. You have final say. Oh, and if you have back labor, lean over head of bed knees slightly apart and rock hips side to side. It helps baby to flip. I didn't know that til baby #3. You are awesome!!

  3. #1 - If you're ever in Utah, we have a few places we've taken our kids hiking for free. It was our goal to hike more often one summer and it was really fun! As for camping, we go to the ward campouts and we've even camped in our backyard.

    #2 - I didn't read any books after delivery, but I did subscribe to and they send little updates every week about baby's growth and such. I actually still receive them for all my kids and it's been a great (free) resource.

    #3 - My first time I packed my bag early, about 36 weeks. The other 2 times I waited until closer to my due date, maybe 38 weeks or so. I like to bring baby nail clippers since they're nails are usually long and some snacks for daddy to enjoy during labor. I also pack super comfy pants and t-shirts since I don't enjoy wearing the gown for too long. I prefer dark yoga-type pants since they won't show any sort of mess that may happen. I also bring my nursing bra, a few nursing pads, and breast cream since my breasts get so sore those first few days.

    #4 - All of my labors have been different. I've gone into labor naturally with 2 (1 time my water broke) and been induced with 1. I much prefer going into labor naturally. Pitocin isn't terrible, but it does speed things along so if you're going to have an epidural, get it quick! The one thing I prefer to do is sit up in the bed. It's so boring just lying there, especially after the epidural's going. So I sit straight up, Indian style, and chat with my hubby, watch TV, play games, and laugh. It's always just my hubs that's invited to the birth so we really try to enjoy our last little bit of alone time together for a while.

    So excited for you both!
