

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Baby J: 18 and 19 weeks

I got up to get ready for church today and told Neal, "Ok.  It's time to play musical skirts!"  He CRACKED up!  But really, it's true.  Over the past week I have "popped" as it were.   So many people have made comments over the last two days about the fact that I actually look pregnant now.  It makes me pretty happy.

18 weeks:
Last week was our annual deer hunting trip.  My doctor told me I hit it at the right time - I was far enough along that I would have energy to do what I needed, but I wasn't far enough along to make her nervous about me being 5 hours away and travelling.  I shot my deer opening morning at about 25 yards (I surprised my deer and he surprised me, so that's why I ended up so close).  I was pretty excited about it.  I looked at Neal and said "I'm gonna tell people 'I'm pregnant, not dead!'"  That's pretty much how I felt about the whole trip.  I did things a little slower and walked a little slower, but there was one day I walked about 4 miles (up and down hill) and I'm really proud because I didn't get super winded.

The day that I walked about four miles was the day my dad shot his deer.  I'm so proud of him - he hunted so hard and so long for a nice buck, and he found one.  We were all really excited about this deer :)

Neal did awesome at taking care of me while we were up there.  Anything I needed, he took care of.  I'm so grateful for everything he does for me, and for how much he takes care of me.  I know he is going to be such a good dad.  I felt baby really kick me for the first time while we were up hunting.  It was enough to make me jump.  Cole laughed at me when it was happening - baby kicked 3 times and each time made me jump a little bit.

19 weeks
Today is officially 19 weeks.  Crazy to think that next week will be the official half way point, but that if baby comes early, we're already halfway there.  We find out gender November 19th, providing baby cooperates (which we're really hoping baby does, because we are not patient enough to wait).  We're pretty dang excited about that!

Well...that's about all.  Nothing really new or crazy.  Just plugging along :)


  1. I am not patient enough to wait to know what you're having either!! And you and Neal are both going to be exceptional parents! I am so happy for you guys! And get it girl! Hunting and pregnant! Woot! Stick with your hobbies!!!

  2. So where's the baby bump shots? ;)
