

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

New Life...sort of

We are doing well!  I started my new job, and I LOVE it.  Getting use to the hours is hard/strange, but Neal's been super helpful and supportive.  We've been super lucky that he's found stuff to do every night so he didn't have to sit at home by himself.

We also love our new home.  We've finally got everything unpacked, set up, and put away.  We are also loving our little bird Sierra (even when she wakes up at 7 am and I went to bed 4 hours before that...).
With our new home came our new ward, which we are also loving.  Everyone is super nice and caring.  We've been called to work in the Primary teaching the Sunbeams.  SUPER fun!

Neal has been working on getting the Candlelight's production of Fiddler On The Roof up and running.  It's a wonderful production that everyone is LOVING!

That's just a quick update on us!

Saturday, August 18, 2012


I am so not good at this whole keeping up with the blog thing.  Especially since starting my new job, life has been cah-ray-zee.  Forty hours a week with what feels like a fire hose of information being shoved down my throat.  I'm exhausted every day when I come home, and I feel like our house has had a bomb of clothes, shoes, dishes, and dust go off.  But, I love each and every minute of training.  I love training and knowing that in a month and a half I will be fully trained to help people in some of the scariest and hardest moments of their lives.  I will again be a part of something that I love.  It's taking an adjustment in family life, but it is so worth it.