

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Baby J

A lot of you saw our post two days go on Facebook, but in case you didn't, we are pregnant :)
Here's how we announced it:

About baby:
- Due April 6, 2014
- Baby is 11 weeks and 3 days
- At the ultrasound we had at 8 weeks and 1 day, baby's heart rate was 154 beats per minute
- Could be a boy or girl.  We won't find out for a few weeks still

About Neal:
- He's excited
- Seeing the heart rate made it real for him
- He's been an incredible support to me.  He does whatever I need him to do.
- Protective of baby

About me:
- Also excited
- Only looks pregnant at certain times of day
- Tired.  All the time.
- Not too sick.  Only have had one bad day.
- Craving carbs and starch (like french fries)
- Can't eat salad.  Not matter how hard I try.


  1. I am so excited for you guys!!
    My Go-To Pregnancy food was Chick-Fila-A. I couldn't really handle beef so the chicken was awesome and their fries are GREAT!!

  2. SUPER exciting for both of you! We have 2 April babies ourselves (our last 2) and it's a great time of year to have a baby. I craved carbs and meat with my first, hamburger and fries practically EVERY day, and it was a boy. With my girl I ONLY wanted salads...and cucumbers, couldn't get enough of those. It'll be fun to find out for sure! CONGRATULATIONS!!!

    P.S. I may have recently "kidnapped" some of your pictures from the family reunion since I had zero of my own! Still friends?
