

Friday, October 11, 2013

Baby Advice

Hi all!

So a while back I posted this post asking people what they wished they knew before they were a mom.

Well, here I am asking again, but in a different way: what pregnancy/newborn advice do you have?
I want serious advice...not "be healthy and it'll make pregnancy easier."  While I know that's true, let's be's super general and not exactly helpful to me.

Here are a couple things I've been told already that I found helpful:
- Use name brand diapers until their "little poo poo" (thank you Bill Cosby) becomes more solid, and blow outs will be less likely to happen.  After it becomes more solid, use store brand diapers to save money.

- Buy sensitive wipes: then you're less likely to have to worry about crazy rashes and such.

- Make sure pacifiers have the little "lip" on them.  If they don't, baby has to suck harder to keep it in his or her mouth, and it makes breast feeding more difficult because they're used to sucking hard to keep the pacifier in.

- Walk or do yoga everyday.  It'll help keep extra weight off, and make labor a lot easier.

So...what advice do you have?