

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Marching into March!

Yes, I know its a cheesy title.  *Shrug*

The week of March 2nd was a pretty mellow week:

On Sunday we went to Craig and Robin's new son, Daniel's, baby blessing (say that one five times fast).  We then went to our ward to teach our CTR 6 class, and then headed down to Neal's parents' house for a late lunch.  While we were there, Robin's sister, Sandy, gave us a BUNCH of newborn boy clothes that are SUPER cute!  We were so excited.  We had a lot of clothes for Joey once he made it to the 3 month size, but before that size, we didn't have much.  Now, little Joey will have clothes to wear!  Yay! :)

On Tuesday Neal and I decided we had not been on a date in a while.  My grandma gave us a Buffalo Wild Wings gift card for Christmas that we STILL hadn't used (I know, WHAT???) so we decided to be financially smart and use that for our date :) The Candlelight had David Wilcox in for a show that night as well, so Neal was working that.  He said David Wilcox was a pretty cool guy, and it was a very good show.

On Wednesday we went down to my parents' house, and had dinner down there.  We spent the evening with them.

On Saturday Neal went snowboarding (lucky duck) with his friend Mike.  I can't wait to get to go again!!  That night we went up to Craig and Robin's to watch 4 of their kiddos while they went to Stake Conference.  We love those kids.  They crack me up.  They were super helpful and did anything we asked them to!

Other random things:
- Neal's boss was out of town all this week, so Neal had the "on-call" phone for the Civic Center.  He felt pretty cool ;)

- I got the hospital bags packed for Joey and me.  They're currently sitting in his cradle (the best place I could think to put them that would keep them out of the way).

- I read "Guess How Much I Love You" to Joey for the first time.  Oh my goodness, my heart melted.

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