

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Goodbye February!

Goodness time has gotten away from me.  I looked today and realized I hadn't posted about anything but little dude and what's going on with him since mid-February!

Week of February 9
- We did our last baby class this week.  Neal couldn't go because he was working on getting the Christopher Cross show loaded in at the Candlelight.  So my partner that night was the fake baby that they gave us (that we really didn't even end up using).  I took a picture of it, but I deleted the picture off my phone thinking I wouldn't need it anymore!  Gah!

- We had a baby appointment this week.  Hearing little dude's heart beat is so awesome :)

- Over the weekend we stayed at my parents' house with my siblings so my mom could go to Phoenix to visit my dad.  Every year for the last like 5 or 6 years, my dad has had to go out of town for work over Valentine's Day.  In high school I can remember going and getting flowers for my dad to give to my mom because he was out of town.  This year, my mom was able to fly down and visit him so they could be together :) We were happy to help!

Week of February 16
- We were still down at my parents' house the beginning of the week.  Since Neal had to work on Valentine's Day (welcome to the entertainment industry), we celebrated our Valentine's Day on the 17th.  We went to a cute little Italian restaurant called Pinocchio's by my parents' house.  They have SUPER yummy food, and we ended up getting a free dessert because they messed up Neal's order.  I gave Neal a really nice Fossil watch that he'd been looking at for a couple weeks, and he gave me a beautiful, Celtic style necklace.

- That Tuesday we went down to the temple.  Our friend Jess came down with us :) Afterwards, we went to Chili's for dinner.  Their molten chocolate cake gets me every time.  I love it!

- On Thursday I went to Noodle's and Co with some of the girls from our ward at church.  We ate a delicious dinner, and enjoyed catching up.

- On Friday my mom threw me a baby shower that you can read about here.  It was wonderful to see a bunch of my family and friends!  My sister and her husband even drove in from Utah :)

- On Saturday we had our Stake Relief Society Conference at church.  (To read about what Relief Society is and the role it plays in our church, go here.  It's a pretty awesome organization).  I went with my friends Ashley and Jocelyn.  We ate a yummy taco salad that was provided by Neal's aunt, Donna, and his uncle, Randy, and then listened to some wonderful musical numbers and speakers.  One of the speakers was Neal's mom, Judy.  It was kind of crazy to watch her give a talk to all of the Relief Society sisters in our area!

Week of February 23
- On Sunday, we had the missionaries come over.  They come over about once a month to teach us a lesson.  The lesson can be anything from how to be a better missionary to basic gospel principles.  We really enjoy having them over.  They work really hard and bring a real joy and peace to our home.

- On Monday I had a baby appointment.  Read about that here.  I also went to the chiropractor.
*Side note* I love my chiropractor.  I totally recommend that any woman who is pregnant goes and sees one.  He's helped me so much with back and hip pain throughout my entire pregnancy.  The minute I have any pain or sciatica or anything, I go in and see him and he fixes it.

- On Tuesday we went to a birthday party for Neal's nephew, George.  I can't believe he is 5.

- On Thursday Neal went snowboarding while I was at work, and then we had the missionaries over for dinner.  We made them Qdoba/Chipotle style burritos with moose steak.  They always tell us that they love coming over for dinner because we feed them meat they've never had before.  Haha.

- On Saturday Neal had the opportunity to participate in a really awesome experience.  He was asked to be a teacher for a mock Missionary Training Center that our stake did for the 16-18 year old young men in our stake.  He had a group of four that he spent the afternoon with, and taught them about being missionaries.  He really enjoyed it, and said it was a great experience.  After he was done, we went to Neal's cousin's daughter's first birthday party.  Neal's cousin Steph has had a luau for each of her kiddos when they're turned one.  We ate super yummy Cafe Rio style salads and just enjoyed being with family!

That's it for our February adventures!  Hello March!

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