

Monday, April 20, 2015

Easter and Joey's actual birthday

Easter's are always kind of interesting at our house.  For the last few years, one of the big churches in Greeley has had their Easter service at the UCCC, so Neal has worked Easter morning for the last few years.  

The Easter Bunny brought us a family basket with a scripture book and some bubbles for Joey, and then some treats for Neal and I.  While Neal was at work, Joey and I spent the morning watching General Conference, and then in the early afternoon we headed down to UCCC to pick up Neal and go to Easter dinner.

We headed down to my Aunt Sonja's house for dinner with my family.  I love it because I get to see members of my family that I don't see any other time of the year.  We had a yummy dinner and sat around and talked.  The kids did an Easter egg hunt (which Joey missed because he fell asleep way later than he normally does), and then we headed to my parents' house.  My sister, Tiffany, and her husband, Chase, and their little boy, Lucas were visiting, and we wanted to spend more time with them.

We took a bunch of family pictures, and then played with the ball and bat that Joey got for his birthday.  Joey loves hitting the balls with the bat, and it will entertain him for quite a while.

It was a very relaxing, enjoyable day.  I'm so grateful for the resurrection of my Savior, and for the opportunity that we get to celebrate it every year! 

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