

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Preparing: Better Stewards

One of our goals since getting married has been for me to be a stay-at-home mom.  We have always felt that it would be very important for our children to be raised by a parent instead of a babysitter.  We also strongly feel that this is what Heavenly Father wants us to do, and that because our desire is a righteous one, He will provide a way (we're going off of 3 Nephi 3:7 here).  Neal will be applying for and finding out about a job that would enable us to reach this goal.  If ya'll wouldn't mind keeping your fingers crossed, and keeping us in your prayers, we would GREATLY appreciate it!

On that topic: we realized a few months ago that me being a stay-at-home mom would also mean going down to one income.  This was kind of scary for us because we had always had the security of us both working.  A while back when I was doing the BYU free online classes to kill some time (which I swear I posted about, but now can't find), I saw a "Personal Finance" class.  I remembered that as we were discussing finances, and decided now would be a good time to take the class.

In the first lesson, it talks about changing attitudes, and realizing that everything that we've been given is a blessing from Heavenly Father.  It then goes on to teach that we need to be good stewards of what God has blessed us with, and use those blessings wisely.  Specifically, with finances, we need to use our money wisely.  

So, one thing we've decided to do to prepare for our little dude, and for (hopefully) going down to one income is practice being better stewards of our finances.  We've begun looking at our budget and figuring out what some things are that we -really- don't need to be spending as much money on.  So, we're doing things like spending less money on fast food and restaurants, and spending that money on groceries instead if we need to. We've done pretty well so far, and I'm pretty proud of us!

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