

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Joey J - 21 and 22 months

I totally spaced doing a blog post about Joey last month.  I have a feeling I'm going to have to start spreading them out a little further as we adjust to having two kiddos.  So this post will be about the last two months :)

- We finished out our holiday season with lots of Christmas celebrations.  We went to the "Teddy Bear Bash" at Neal's work.  We ate snacks, "fished" at the North Pole, and had fun looking at all the beautiful Christmas trees that were set up.

- We bought our Christmas tree.  Joey LOVED the tree, loved helping decorate it, and loved plugging in the lights every morning.

- We celebrated Christmas.  You can read about that here.

- Joey got the stomach flu...twice in three weeks.  Blegh.  I still feel my heart drop into my stomach if he wakes up crying after we've put him to bed.

- We played out in the snow...a lot.  Joey LOVES the snow.  We bought him some snow boots and ever since then, he is fearless in the snow.

- We had a quiet New Year's Eve.  Joey went to bed on time (I'm too mean of a mom to let him stay up until midnight), so it was a pretty normal night for us.

- We spent New Year's Day at the Family FunPlex in Greeley.  Joey had SO much fun, and overcame his fear of walking through the water to get to the slides.  I'm pretty sure he would have gone down those slides all day if we had let him.

- We ended up in the hospital...until 3 am...I hate croup.  Positive thing is that his pediatrician's office unofficially diagnosed him with asthma, so he is now taking daily medication to help his lungs stay open if he gets sick.  He hasn't even had a runny nose since starting that medication (I'm going to jinx myself).

- We're starting to figure out that he loves making people laugh.  He will do almost anything if he thinks it'll make you laugh.  I'm sure we'll love that when he's a teenager ;)

- We went to my grandparents' house for my aunt's birthday party, and Joey got to see Papa Joe's trains.  Joey adores trains and was fascinated by the model trains.  

- My dad had to move a hot tub and rented a forklift to move it.  After they were all done my dad let Joey "drive" the forklift.  Joey thought it was pretty much the best thing ever.

- Joey is thrilled to be a big brother.  I'm not totally positive that he actually understands what it means when we say there's a baby in my tummy, but he'll pet my stomach, kiss "the baby," and cuddles with my belly.  Any time I ask him to help get something ready for the baby, he runs to the baby's room with a huge grin on his face.

I can't tell you how amazing this little guy is, and how much we adore having him in our family.  Neal and I talk so often about how blessed we are and how much joy Joey brings to us.  We're doing all we can to prepare him for the changes that are going to happen in our family.  He's going to be an incredible big brother though, and we're so excited.

Baby J #2 - 35 weeks

How far along? 35 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: +29 lbs
Maternity clothes? Are starting to get too small
Stretch marks? Just the one small one still
Sleep: Depends on the day.  Some days I sleep really well and others I don't
Best moment this week: My "freezer-meal" baby shower :)
Have you told family and friends: Yup.
Movement: Lots.
Food cravings: Chocolate and peanut butter
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not eating enough.  I'm having a hard time eating enough because baby's taking up so much room.
Have you started to show yet: Oh yes.  In fact, most people think I'm due in any minute when I still have a month to go.
Gender prediction: It's a boy!
Labor Signs: I actually started having pre-term labor symptoms on Saturday night that freaked us out a little bit.  Thankfully they calmed down and went away after I drank a ton of fluids and rested.  It made us realize how not ready we are - I've gotten a lot done since then.
Belly Button in or out? Neither.  Just gone.
Wedding rings on or off? On.  I only have to take them off during the night.
Happy or Moody most of the time: I was moody until Saturday.  Now I just feel grateful that he didn't come then.

Missing: Not being pregnant.  I'm getting to the point where I can't remember not being pregnant.