

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Everyday, you save my life.

Let me start this one out by saying, "poor Neal." Poor kid puts up with A LOT. Especially this last month.

I go through these points in time where I feel like nothing I do is good enough, and that it never will be. I go into fits of tears, and everything and anything that is said that I think is critisim gets blown out of proportion (even if that wasn't the intent).

So, Neal, being the wonderful man that he is, is doing his very best to attempt to help me see myself in a positive light. Bless his heart.

But, his persistence combined with a reminder that there is a reason we have a Savior, is paying off. And for that, I am grateful.

On a different note....

We went on a date to the Candlelight on Friday night. Neal humored me and got dressed up in a suit because I wanted SO badly to dress up in one of my formal dresses. Not only did he do that, but he suprised me with a red rose. Now, this may not seem like much, but I have NEVER received a single flower from a person I was in the process of dating. This absolutely made my night!

He's a good man, and he's good to me. I never show him as much gratitude as I should. He keeps me sane and shows me unconditional love (even if it's tough forcing me to do my school work or fill out job applications when I want to procrastinate).



  1. Good man to dress up! Amanda, some days will feel like that. Jameson and I have both felt we aren't doing right by the other in the last 2 days. But Neal sticking by you is a good example of his character :) Good couple :)

  2. Yay! I'm so glad to know it's not just us. Hahaha. Figuring out how to adjust to someone else and their way of doing and thinking is proving rather difficult at times.
