

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

My view on the general American population

****DISCLAIMER**** I realize this does not apply to EVERYONE in the American population.  Therefore, if this ISN'T you, please don't be offended.  This is just my general observation.

I do not like this time every four years dubbed the Presidential Election.  Don't get me wrong.  I am very grateful to live in a country where I have the opportunity and ability to vote.  I am grateful for the men and women who have given their lives to ensure that I have this right and privilege.  What I dislike is the hatred, contention, and stupidity that come out during this time.  I hate the lies, the half truths, and the general fact that I feel like I can't trust what anyone says about politics.  I dislike the fact that I can't watch a TV show or listen to the radio without hearing so-and-so said this but they were lying, or so-and-so says they're going to do this, but they really won't.

Normally I can tune it out, but this year, something that I find very odd and saddening about the commercials and the discussions I've had.  My questions are as follows:

Did the majority of people never take a general economics class?  Or are they just not remembering what was taught in that class?

Majority of what I have heard is that "we" the American people want taxes to be cut.  We believe that a stronger middle class will happen if they do not pay as much in taxes.  Tax the rich!  Their the ones with money!!  Who cares if there are "99%" of us and only "1%" of them!  The government should be able to off-set the money they lose from decreasing taxes from us as long as they increase the rich people's taxes!!!!!  Forget in the heck does this even logically make sense??  I won't bore you with all my math mumbo jumbo, but this doesn't work.  You cannot expect the government to cut taxes drastically on the "99%" of us "poor people" and raise the taxes on the "1%" of those "rich people" and have them offset.  Basic math.

This leads me to my second point.  I've heard a lot of commercials and people talking about how ridiculous the government's debt is, and how unbelievable it is that the government is spending so much money.  However, we want the government to pay for our higher education, help us buy a house, pay for our health care, and have a good military, among many other things the general population thinks they should pay for or assist with.  I'm sorry, but this doesn't make logical sense to me either.  Decrease how much the government spends, but at the same time, pay for all of the stuff "we" don't want to pay for.  Again, basic math.  You cannot pay for more things, but decrease your output.

Here is where my question about economics comes in.  How can the general population expect the government to decrease taxes and therefore decrease their "income" but then expect them to turn around and pay for all of these things like health care, higher education, etc., and still spend less money?  Its general basic economics that this is impossible.

If this is how the majority of people run their personal financial lives as well, its no wonder debt runs rampant in our society.