Interesting week by far. Definently had ups and downs.
Monday, Neal's 96 year-old grandpa went to the hospital because his heart hurt. For being a "part" of a family for such a short time, I didn't think this would bother me as much as it did. I had a chance to just sit and talk to him while everyone else was out and about, and I'm glad I was able to. He told me stories that made me laugh and smile. Even sitting in a hospital bed with a bunch of tubes attached to him, he was in SUCH high spirits, and had a smile on his face most of the time. He even complimented the food he ate for lunch :) It was a good reminder that no matter the circumstances, there's always a silver lining :) If only I'd kept that in mind Wednesday...
I found out that one of my best friends and his family are going through an extremely difficult trial this week. One that I was utterly shocked to hear about. It put me in quite a damp spirit (to the dismay of Neal...who planned an amazing date for the day). As we were up in RMNP, I was sitting on a rock, pondering life, and the people that I have in mine; how grateful I am for them, but how little I show it, or tell my Heavenly Father how grateful I am. I have been truely blessed. I live in a state that has an amazingly beautiful landscape, with plenty of wildlife. I have a wonderful family that I care so much much they will probably never understand. I have an amazing boyfriend who treats me like a princess...something I've never really had. Not only does he treat me like a princess, but his family has accepted me without question. I live in a free country that was prepared from the beginning of time as a place for the Gospel to be restored. I just flat out have the Gospel in my life, and a testimony of my Heavenly Father, and Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. What more could I ask for? I have all the necessary things (except for temple covenants, but that will come soon enough!!).
I'm excited for tomorrow (the 4th). It's my favorite holiday, by far. I get to celebrate one of my favorite blessings I mentioned above.
How blessed I am :)