

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Who you gonna call? doTERRA!

This is my view tonight from our couch.

To say I've been a little stressed this past week is a bit of an understatement.  On Wednesday I called in sick to work.  Part of my hope was that taking one day to destress would help me avoid getting sick.

Well, that didn't work.  I woke up this morning because I had a sore throat.  My hope was that it was allergies, so I took an allergy tablet, which knocked me back out for another three hours, thankfully.

When I woke up again, my nose was stuffy, my throat was extremely sore, and I was still exhausted.  I got up, showered, and went to my eye doctor appointment.  I used my doTERRA oils (On Guard and Eucalyptus), hoped for the best, and went into work.

About 30 minutes into work, I started shaking as I typed and started getting body aches.  15 minutes later I asked one of my coworkers to feel my forehead and cheeks to see if I had a fever (have I ever mentioned I love my coworkers?)  She thought I did, so I went to talk to the supervisor that was on duty.  Then I went home.

So, I've been sitting on the couch for the last 4 hours watching TV, drinking water, and applying On Guard, Eucalyptus, and Melaleuca to the bottoms of my feet and Eucalyptus to my sinuses.  I'm grateful: I think this is moving a whole lot faster because I've been applying these about every two hours.  My sinuses are still crazy stuffy, my body still aches, and my voice sounds funny, but my throat is calming down a little and I'm not feeling as feverish.

I hate being sick because I feel like there are so many things that I could be doing that would be a better use of my time.  However, I have learned that if I give into this urge my sickness (whatever it is) lasts for a whole lot longer than if I just chill out and do what I'm supposed to.

Crossing my fingers that I'll be able to go back to work tomorrow!!!

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